Thursday, October 1, 2009

Today on Talk'nAboutStuff: Amarica

Today on Talk'nAboutStuff ill talk about America's problems like worrying about every country's problems like in Iran there building nuclear what ever and Amarica is all up in there face about it 2 reasons why this is stupid

  1. America builds nuclear war heads like crazy + every country that would be a good target for Iran to launch a nuke at has missiles that they could shoot the nuke down with.

  2. Iran just wants a W.M.D because they want a seat at the table (they want to be heard).

A lot of people (including me) seam to care about global warming well from what i have seen the only people who are doing any thing is Disney channel (and how ever many people watch that channel) not saying any thing bad about Disney its just by the time people start to care about global warming they will be nee hi in salt water. Well I would like to go on and on about America's problems but I don't want to wasted all your time. Until next time...

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